I am in need of a climbing buddy. I've finally got all the gear needed for some quality outdoor climbing so if you're in Logan from now until May 4th or if you're in STG from May 5th to May 18th, lets climb! I only have one harness so that's all you'll need. Extra 'biners would be nice, though. Anyways, I'd love a good climbing pal. Preferably one that has previous experience but I'm open minded because I'm not that good myself. Let me know!
Side note: Call and I took some mission pictures today at second dam with my dorky small camera. It was a blast nonetheless! Here's one of my favorites. Man, am I going to miss this place.
Hi if you get desperate in st. g and want a creeper 30 year old momma to climb with, I'd love to join you. I have experience, but have not been in forever. Congrats on mission plans! Ps I was stalking trying to see any news on your mom, so happy she and your dad are safe! Holy cow!